tiny unit - 2019
For the redevelopment of the 'oude dokken' in Ghent we were asked to create a single person living unit. In total there are 9 units located and grouped along the pier. Each unit is oriented and located differently, creating unique qualities and restrictions. Each unit has a total volume of 162 m³. This volume is created by arranging 6 equal cubic blocks with inner dimensions of 3 x 3 x 3 meter (27 m³). A second floor was allowed with a maximum of 2 blocks.
The spatial design I've created feels functional and gives a sense of shelter and connection. There's a covered entrance at the north which leads to the center of the floor level. Both the dining and sleeping area are connected to the south oriented terrace. The stairs gives form to multiple functions. They start from a concrete block which is also a bench (inside and outside). They combine the kitchen closets and a small working area. The desk is an extension of the floor on the first level. The seating area is designed like a sitting pit and is located upstairs. It feels covered and gives 180° views over the water.